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ISRO Recruitment Process for Freshers 2022


The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Earth Sciences which comes under the Department of Space, Government of India. The primary objective of this organization is to develop and promote space science and technology in order to make India self-reliant in space technology. It also aims at making India a leading space nation by 2022 with its own capabilities for launching satellites for national needs such as communication satellites, navigation systems etc.,

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is looking for talented candidates to fill the vacant positions. ISRO has announced its recruitment process for the upcoming academic session 2021. With this announcement, we are updating you about the important details about ISRO Recruitment Process 2020 and 2021.

Company Recruitments

ISRO is a government agency, which was established by the Department of Space, Government of India. It is an Indian space research organization that conducts various scientific and technological research projects related to space technology in addition to its operational responsibilities. ISRO's headquarter is located in Bengaluru, Karnataka. The latest updates on recruitment process can be found here:

Company Recruitment Eligibility Criteria

You can apply for this job if you are a fresher. If you have completed your graduation from the college or university, then it is not compulsory to have any degree in this field. However, the institutions which offer engineering degrees will be preferred over others.

The selection process of SRO Recruitment is based on four phases:

  • Written Test (Group Discussion)

  • Interview(Technical Skill Test/Problem Solving)

  • HR/Personnel Interviews etc...

Selection Procedure for Company Recruitment

The selection procedure for company recruitment is based on written test, interview and skill test.

Written Test: The candidates will be asked to answer some questions on the given topics in English language. The exam consists of two papers with 100 marks each and you have to pass both papers individually or in combination with another subject like physics or chemistry etc., whichever you prefer most!

Interview: This section will give you an opportunity to talk about your experience and knowledge related to the job profile that we are hiring for at ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization). You can show them how much passion and dedication you have towards this field as well as explain why certain things need improvement in order for better results from future missions being carried out by them.

Recruitment Test Pattern

The ISRO Recruitment Test Pattern is a combination of multiple choice questions, objective type questions and descriptive type questions. The test pattern is designed to test the candidate’s knowledge of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.

Each section consists of 100 marks out of which 90 marks are obtained from objective type questions and 10 marks from descriptive type questions (computer simulations).

Complete information on how to crack ISRO Recruitments 2021

The ISRO recruitment process is quite straightforward. Candidates need to apply through a website or through the official website of ISRO. The candidates who qualify in one round can be called again for another round if there are vacancies in their selection pool.

The test pattern for ISRO Recruitment 2021 has been changed from earlier years, so that it is easier for freshers to tackle this exam and get selected as an engineer in Space Applications Centre (SAC) and other departments of ISRO. A large number of questions were asked during SAC’s preliminary test on May 11th 2019, which was followed by another version written on May 12th 2019 with some modifications based on feedback received from various sources including candidates themselves during online discussions about their experience using online mock tests like this one before appearing in real life exams like IIT JEE Mains 2020/21 etcetera."


We have covered the complete information on how to crack ISRO Recruitments 2021. We hope this article will help you in your endeavor of getting a job with ISRO.


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